
来源:网友推荐     更新:2024-05-04


The United States in the North Central and North America also includes the territory of Alaska and the Pacific northwest of the Hawaiian Islands in Central. North and the Canadian border, south through the Gulf of Mexico, west Pacific, East Bin Atlantic. Coastline of 22,680 kilometers. Most areas of continental climate, the southern subtropical climate. Big temperature difference between north-central plains, Chicago January average temperature -3 ℃, 7月24 ℃; Gulf Coast in January the average temperature of 11 ℃, 7月28 ℃.

The United States has almost all the world's climate types, in the main agricultural zone in rare severe drought, flooding is not uncommon, and a moderate while the temperature to adequate rainfall.

Climate impact on the United States is the main Arctic air, from the Pacific each year bring a large-scale low pressure, these low pressure through the Nevada mountains, the Rocky Mountains and the Cascade range, attach a great deal of moisture, when they arrived at the central pressure Great Plains, will be able to reorganize, leading to the main air masses meet and bring a fierce thunderstorm, especially in the spring and summer. These may sometimes heavy rain and low pressure to join the other, continue to the East Coast and the Atlantic Ocean, and will become more intense storms in the northeast (Nor'easter), in the United States in the Northeast Atlantic region and New England a wide-ranging and heavy snowfall. Great Plains incomparably vast grassland has also developed a number of the world's most extreme climate change phenomenon.




The United States of America in elementary school the kids gets school at 9o'clock by school bus.
and go to have classes,at noon,the kids will eat lunch at school.they can buy lunch from school or they can also pack lunch,after lunch time ,they go back to the class,the kids also need to learn
english,spell,reading,math,second language,science.art,and so on.the school will be over by 3o'clock
and take bus home!haha

in elementary school the kids gets school at 9o'clock by school bus.
and go to have classes,at noon,the kids will eat lunch at school.they can buy lunch from school or they can also pack lunch,after lunch time ,they go back to the class,the kids also need to learn
english,spell,reading,math,second language,science.art,and so on.the school will be over by 3o'clock
and take bus home!haha


The United States of America

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