
来源:网友推荐     更新:2024-05-18
USA GDP American economic strength (GDP) $10, almost 10 of total Japanese, German English and French world before GDP, the total is slightly higher than that of all members of the EU GDP. American total world trade accounted for more than 20% of the world's total import and export volume.

America stock market has a history of over 200 years, USA share of world equity ratio is about 50%. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is one of the world's three major indexes of stock market, and the NASDQ index is the development of world high-tech enterprises of the vane, is a network technology and knowledge economy myth.

America global currency status: in 1944, a American dominated the Bretton Woods system, USA depends on the comprehensive national strength lay the currency hegemony. The dollar as a global reserve ratio is about 70%, dollars share of global foreign exchange transactions reached 60%, the dollar accounts for Global trade settlement reached 60%.

USA have right to speak with the largest dominant position in the global economy of the three leading organizations -- the world trade organization, the International Monetary Fund, the world bank.

The world 500 strong enterprises before 10, USA accounted for 6, the proportion of 60%; American listed 189 companies, accounting for 37.80% of the share.





  美国全球货币结算地位: 1944年,美国主导的布雷顿森林 体系建立,美国依靠国家综合实力奠定了美元的国际货币霸权地位。美元在全球外汇储备所占的比例大约在70%左右,美元占全球的外汇交易达到60%左右,美元占全球的贸易结算也达到60%左右。


  世界500强企业前10名,美国占6家,比例60%;美国 189家企业入围 ,占 37.80%份额。


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