
来源:网友推荐     更新:2024-05-05




I have many toys. My favorite toy is a car. Once, I got one hundred in my English test, so my mother bought me a car to reward me. The car was mostly blue and very bright. Its head is blue, there is a yellow headlights above, like a big yellow eyes, painted with a small white circle, inside with black wrote a seventeen. Whenever I finish my homework, I will play with it. I gently push with my hand, the car ran far away, as if I was sitting in my car, driving it to travel everywhere. This is my favourite car.





I have a toy car, my mother when I was 4 years old birthday gave me.
It is wrapped in a plastic camouflage armor, like a soldier to fight, can be the air.
I remember once, I was criticized by the teacher in the school, I went home tobecome dejected and despondent, open my door, sat in the chair, sad. Then, I saw a table of the car, I'll forget all the sad things. I took the bag from the pencil box to write homework, I was doing homework, watching my beloved car, the car seemed tosay to me: "the next performance is good, can not be criticized by the teacher." I think: Yeah, I nodded, the next performance is good, can not be criticized by the teacher.
I very love my toy car.





I most like toy is a blue car, it has a purple car windshield, yellow, black wheels, can be fine! The car still sit two small driver! It is the aunt when I was 7 years old my gift.
The car is my best love! When I have free time, will Youziyouwei to play. Once, after I do homework, it reminds me of my car. I took out the car, on the ground, one not careful, a car on a pair of massage shoe, one high and one low, waiwaixiexie open, really interesting. I thought to myself, if I do, do a rough track, and some obstacle in the way of setting in this circuit, let the car go up, must be fun. I immediately ready to board, sand, small boxes and other tools, made a track as one wishes. I picked up the car, let it on the track of Mercedes benz. Suddenly, the car's front wheel move, there is a very high obstacle -- small box in front of the original. The car make enough horsepower, desperately forward, issue a "beep" sound. I really want to help the car up, but I still didn't do, I want to be the car will jump in the past is good. After a while, the obstacle has been the top went to the right, a car after it. After a few minutes, the car was another obstacle to trapped, is a pile of sand, because just did not drive quickly, so the buried under sand wheel. But the car wheels or in rotation, almost every turn will take a bit of sand, finally, beyond all expectations happened, the car was up, and go to the end, wow! A thrilling and exciting trip, really fun! The car is the most I like toys, a lot of fun it brings my childhood, my childhood cannot do without partner.




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