
来源:网友推荐     更新:2024-05-18

1. 英语作文(未来的交通工具)怎么写

the vehicles of the future

Nowadays, the technology has bee so advanced, more and more people have owned the private cars ,but in the mean time ,the air pollution has bee worse and worse, though the government has been aware of the problem, yet the solutions are not so good to avoid the pollution.

however, in the future ,about fifty years latter ,the vehicle would be used which would be judged by whether it is advantage to the enviromental protection. In other words, the power would not be the petrol, the new energy sources would be used instead of the gas. For example, we would take bus which uses the marsh gas to move.

In my perspective, the vehicles of the future would be more convenient and used less sorces, the future is lightening.People's lives wiould be more beautiful and healthy!

2. 未来的交通工具,英语作文怎么写

Transport in the futureIn the future ,i think a lot of great inventions will e out.Cars will able to fly in the sky or move in the water.In the sky,we can see a lot of transport,like train,motorcycle ,light rail etc.Then trafic in the road will not very busy any more.And this transport won't have much waste,they can ruduce the pollution to the environment and make us stay healthy.The transpot will bee very light and good.They look very beautiful and is easy for us to drive.If these transsport es into our life soon,i think we will live better。

3. 英语作文未来的交通工具带翻译

the vehicles of the futureNowadays, the technology has bee so advanced, more and more people have owned the private cars ,but in the mean time ,the air pollution has bee worse and worse, though the government has been aware of the problem, yet the solutions are not so good to avoid the pollution.however, in the future ,about fifty years latter ,the vehicle would be used which would be judged by whether it is advantage to the enviromental protection. In other words, the power would not be the petrol, the new energy sources would be used instead of the gas. For example, we would take bus which uses the marsh gas to move。

4. 初二英语作文 未来的交通工具

Transport in the futureIn the future ,i think a lot of great inventions will e out.Cars will able to fly in the sky or move in the water.In the sky,we can see a lot of transport,like train,motorcycle ,light rail etc.Then trafic in the road will not very busy any more.And this transport won't have much waste,they can ruduce the pollution to the environment and make us stay healthy.The transpot will bee very light and good.They look very beautiful and is easy for us to drive.If these transsport es into our life soon,i think we will live better .以上是我自己写得小短文,希望对你有帮助哦,如果觉得不好的话,我再写一篇~。

5. 作文:“未来的交通工具.

说起未来,我对它充满了好奇,也对未来的交通工具充满了幻想. 我心中的未来交通工具可多了;有会说话,有手有脚,会飞的私家机器人飞机;它的功能可全了,可以陪主人玩游戏,聊天,旅游,飞到新的星球去玩,还可以帮主人做家务,照顾老人,接送小孩等;有会变形,会隐身的百变海陆空的轮船,这种轮船可厉害了,它能在海里带游客潜水观看海底世界,也可帮着抓海盗,遇到狂风巨浪就可以自由飞翔在蓝天上,还可以到陆地上帮警察抓小偷等;还有会自动识别天气的飞行洒水车,当遇到天气干旱时,它会自动为那些需要水分的农作物,小溪,河流及时洒水,还可以给山区没有水喝的人们送水等; 啊!我好想让未来的交通工具变成现实,所以我一定要好好努力学习,掌握科学知识,等我长大了让未来不再是未来,用我的智慧让它变成现实.。

6. 未来的交通工具(作文)


7. 英语作文关于未来的交通工具

1. The future means of transportation that I assume is a rocket wind speed express train. It has a submersible , still has a flamethrower. While it thinks of a diving, four wheels are isted with regard to going up , making up a mouth , then, starting protection film , pushing down according to the diving being able to arrive at ocean. Think that it thinks of words dashing to in ground , get angry right away according to gushing note ist, make one's way as razorsharp as rocket. It is still had being able to break ? round flat piece of jade with a hole in its centre up some mist flies upwards earnest ? of H es across jam , that it flies right away will be such can save much time. Still have alarm on vehicle , be puter-controlled , full-automatic, alarm is able to issue a catcall , es to warn of the driver drives well if person has fot to drive because of sleepiness. The future means of transportation that I assume either alternate , or be not to know when ability es true. Hope can see the automobile that I design on the road on the future the before long! 2. Future , I want to create one kind of means of transportation , it is that one kind of boat resembles. Have a o layer of air-filled building , every layer to have three family on board. The top of the building jacket has the pass and the high power telescope, there are minitype telecamera on telescope. There are forty rooms inside cabin or ship hold, every room maximum firmly can 9 people , every family storeroom having self. The boat edge has wood to protect a fence. Two flanks side of boat has the feather wing that four pair of iron make. There is a pair of falcula in front part on the boat down part , being able to press during the period of shoal water moves the floor , makes whose fleetness go ahead. The boat rear has a pair of web , may beat water surface during the period of deepwater , lets a boat accelerate make one's way speed.

8. 八下英语 作文 未来的交通工具

Nowadays, with the development of the technology, scientists create more vehicles which are convenient for people to travel. In the future, how will the transportation tools bee? Different people have different imagination. As for me, I think that a kind of vehicle which is equipped with clean energy will be created. For in that time, the clean energy will bee more popular. For example, people can drive cars which use the power suppled by wind or electrics。

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