
来源:网友推荐     更新:2024-05-17


Someone said: "15 is flowering, 18 is rainy season, 13 is growing season." 14 years old, I grew up?
Growth is a pain and happiness, happiness and sadness "cloth. Now, I learned his pain and tears, a lump failed in the exam, a despised the stinkeye,... I learned to endure, learned hidden, learned and parents call refrain sadness, growth is a process of pursuing your dreams. Now, I have my own dreams, have their own beliefs, know to struggle, trying to fly, and know the taste of success and failure, taste in the process of chasing the dream in every suantiankula, pain and cry, and stood up and start over.
Growth is a process of transformation. The ugly duckling passed through innumerable efforts and adhere to the air after all, transformation of beautiful white swan, The experience of pain and suffering patches, breaking into a butterfly pupa after doing bad in the sky, the most beautiful fairy. Now, I learned to change, I know a metamorphosis is in need of greater efforts and unremitting spirit, I didn't like the beauty, nor very profound knowledge, so I use a confident, grades, and quality to prove himself. English is not good, I will use exam achievement to prove, Chinese, so I took a good base composition achievement to prove, Math grades, I will try to study, to learn.
By 2010, is now in the growth process, I have learned many many, also, realize: fourteen, I grow up!

hair 头发——head 头——eye 眼睛——face 脸——neck 脖子——arm 手臂——leg 腿——hand 手——foot 脚——toe 脚趾——finger 手指——ear 耳朵——nose 鼻子——mouth 嘴巴——tooth 牙齿——shoulder 肩膀——knee 膝盖
rice米饭——bread面包——beef牛肉——milk牛奶——water水——egg蛋——fish鱼——tofu豆腐——cake蛋糕——hot dog热狗——hamburger汉堡包——French fries炸薯条——cookie曲奇——biscuit饼干——jam果酱——noodles面条——meat肉——chicken鸡肉——pork猪肉——mutton羊肉——vegetable蔬菜——salad沙拉——soup汤——ice冰——ice-cream冰淇淋——Coke可乐——juice果汁——tea茶——coffee咖啡——breakfast早餐——lunch午餐——dinner/supper晚餐——meal一餐
eggplant茄子——green beans青豆——tomato西红柿——potato土豆——cucumber黄瓜——onion洋葱——carrot胡萝卜——cabbage卷心菜
bike自行车——bus公共汽车——train火车——boat小船——ship轮船——yacht快艇——car小汽车——taxi出租车——jeep吉普车——van小货车/面包车——plane/airplane飞机——subway/underground地铁——motor cycle摩托车

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