
来源:网友推荐     更新:2024-05-21



  Due to the poor environmental hygiene in the world, these are all manifested in the treatment of life garbage. It will bring about the impact of environmental pollution on human beings. Therefore, I sincerely wish to make the following proposals:

  1. Don't litter and spit everywhere.

  2. Saving paper: printed paper used for drafting paper, and printed on the back of printed paper.

  3. Contribute to the environment: a variety of plants and trees.

  Take good care of your environment.

  Use the water or electricity to tighten up. I know, this small initiative is not enough to represent my patriotism, so I decided to write more initiative for the motherland, I hope you can accept my advice, I also hope to have more patriotic.

  From now on, from me, do not littering, do not spit everywhere, to be a role model for the small master. From now on, from me, no matter go to that, do not littering, do not spit everywhere, make a small guest, not let people make fun of.

  Let us act, starting from me, from now on.


  Mother nature is the mother of all creatures on earth, and she gives us infinite grace. People's clothing, food, shelter and travel are all from the selfless gift of nature, and people have been in harmony with nature for millions of years.

  By leaps and bounds in the development of human science and technology, gave us the unthinkable: material civilization, trains, cars, computers, science and technology is a double-edged sword, it at the same time of mankind, is in a relentless plundering and destruction of nature: deforestation, land reclamation desert, coal, oil, water, a large amount of industrial waste water poured into the river, the transition of pesticide, chemical fertilizer use, waste heat of exhaust gas emissions, white trash everywhere.

  When people still revel in the development of science and technology, the punishment of nature, the surface temperature rising, intensified desertification, groundwater declining increasingly storm, flood, tsunami, mad cow disease, SARS, bird flu, as you can imagine, if people don't wake up the transformation environment, transforming the nature, before long, the earth will could not find the transaction and drinkable water, can breathe the air, a large number of endangered plants, the sky is dark, no very high mountains snow, humans will meet disaster!

  Environmental protection is serious, environmental protection is imminent! To protect the environment is to protect ourselves!

  Protect the environment, from me, friends to plant trees.


  Everyone knows that we have only one earth; And the earth is the common earth of man and all life. The continuation of life, the survival of mankind, a moment also cannot leave the natural resources. And in the face of today's earth, everyone with a little conscience must worry about the earth tomorrow. Since I learned about the dangers of carbon dioxide on TV, I realized the importance of a low-carbon life.

  By watching TV and reading materials, I understand what a low-carbon life is. Low-carbon life is about as little carbon dioxide as possible in our lives. Because carbon dioxide increases the amount of space we live in, it's the "greenhouse effect". As the temperature of our living environment rises, it will melt the Antarctic ice into water, and a large flow of water into the sea will raise the sea level and possibly inundate the inhabitants of some island countries. So we have to reduce co2 emissions in our daily lives. To be specific to our life is to save energy. But for low carbon life, people suffering a similar quandary: know important to protect the environment, also know that everybody is responsible for protecting the environment, but, in order to improve the quality of life, have been forced to increase at the cost of carbon emissions. While people can't avoid carbon emissions, they can reduce their carbon emissions, experts say. It is impossible for everyone to live a "zero-carbon" life. In the present moment of scarce resources, what we need to do is to use limited resources to meet people's basic needs and limit extravagance and waste. At the same time, the concept of "low-carbon life" is formed to choose a natural, environmentally friendly and healthy lifestyle under the conditions of choice and replacement.

  Actually, added to the low carbon group is not difficult, "low-carbon life" details throughout the household life of each link, and then take electricity for daily life: household electrical appliances plug socket contact good can power saving; The electric heat pipe of the electric kettle must be cleaned in time after scaling up, so that the thermal efficiency can be improved. Ironing is the best choice for a high-temperature electric iron of 500 watts or 700 watts, not only heating up, but also saving electricity. All household appliances try not to use "voice control, light control, remote control" as the control switch, which can save 10% ~ 15%. In this way, everyone can make a positive contribution to the control of global warming.

  If I were to tell you again, it would be possible to build 36 Eiffel towers by recycling 235,000 tons of scrap iron. The recycling of 6000 tons of waste aluminum can produce 74 airbus planes. Recall 1.2 million tons of glass, and you can build 254 Louvre glass pyramid, so think about it, just because you are lazy in sorting, you will throw away the earth that we humans will live on. Some people think that even if they are "low-carbon", they can't stop the illegal emissions from mining enterprises. But melting glaciers and climate change will punish everyone. "Low-carbon life" brings about a new concept of quality of life. What needs to be clear is that living a "low-carbon life" doesn't mean you can't drive, live in a big house, and enjoy air conditioning. The real meaning of low-carbon is to provide people with the greatest protection and comfort for their physical health, which will have less impact on the environment or improve the environment. Such as Europe is now much construction zero-emission building, heat insulation effect is very good, under the condition of natural ventilation, heat insulation layer can put the indoor temperature to a proper level, and can keep for a long time. In the area of transportation, solar cars, bio-fuel cars can be developed, and public transport will be vigorously developed.

  In fact, every ordinary citizen can enjoy a "low-carbon life" by raising his hand. Advocate low carbon way of life of public environmental protection website "forest" Internet homepage approachable listed 10 reduction case is interesting: use a less plastic bags, 0.1 grams of carbon dioxide; Below the 5 floors, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and each time you can reduce your average emissions by 2 oxidation

  Carbon 600 grams; Select seasonal fruits and vegetables, and reduce co2 emission by 400 grams per kilogram; Summer air conditioning raise 1 ℃, an average of 175 grams per day can reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. A tree can absorb 18.3 kg of carbon dioxide a year. These tell us, low carbon life is in our side, save every piece of paper, every time electricity, decorate medium few use adornment lamp, choose energy-saving lamp tube, are ordinary people can do.

  In short, in our daily life there are many ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, as long as we are seriously rise, our environment will be better and better, I believe you after all efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Faced with the deterioration of the natural climate, people began to protect the earth from their daily actions -- starting a low-carbon life.

  There is only one earth. It is impossible for humans to find a second earth and to carry out mass migration in the foreseeable future. We must be kind to the earth for the sake of our own survival and for the continuation of future generations

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