
来源:网友推荐     更新:2024-05-18

I have a toy car, my mother when I was 4 years old birthday gave me.
It is wrapped in a plastic camouflage armor, like a soldier to fight.
I remember once, I was criticized by the teacher in the school, I went home to be come dejected and despondent, open my door, sat in the chair, sad. Then, I saw a table of the car, I'll forget all the sad things. I took the bag from the pencil box to write homework, I was doing homework, watching my beloved car, the car seemed tosay to me: "the next performance is good, can not be criticized by the teacher." I think: Yeah, I nodded, the next performance is good, can not be criticized by the teacher.
I very love my toy car.


Do you know what my favourite toy is? It's a toy car. It was a present from my father when I was five years old. I like it very much and put it on my bookshelf so that I can always see it.


Look at this car. The driver is Mickey Mouse! Now he is a fireman. There is a dog behind him. It's white and small. Its name is Puppy.


The car is red. On its right door, there is a fire extinguisher. Now, do you know what kind of car it is? Yes, it's a fire engine.


This toy car can run fast. When it is running, you will hear a loud noise "Wa…wa…"


I often play with this car after I finish my homework. It is nice and interesting. I like it very much.


When I was a small child, my family lived in the village。 It was just after the war, and many usually made our own toys, or we played with the animals or insects around our house。 We looked for crickets or snakes during the summer afternoon。 At might we went out to the fields to catch fireflies。 Sometimes we just played with sand, rocks, tree branches, or small birds。 In contrast, a visit to a big toy store in the city today is very exciting。 There are so many different toys to see, hear, and touch that I always feel like being a small child again

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    蓝强17872722508: 绛旓細for me after work.That was my first toy. I was so happy that I loved it as a baby. Now i still retain it.鎴戝皬鏃跺欙紝瀹跺涓嶆槸澶ソ锛屼笉鍍忓埆鐨勫皬鏈嬪弸閭f牱锛屾湁璁稿鐜╁叿銆傚叚宀侀偅骞达紝鐖哥埜涓嬬彮鍥炴潵缁欐垜甯﹀洖浜嗕竴杈鐜╁叿杞锛岄偅鏄垜鐨勭涓浠剁帺鍏凤紝鎴戠埍濡傝嚦瀹濓紝鍒扮幇鍦ㄦ垜渚濈劧淇濈暀鐫閭d欢鐜╁叿銆
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