
来源:网友推荐     更新:2024-05-21
  Every day, the world has something to do with sanitation, the emissions of waste water from factories, and the daily waste that people have. There is a story of a child who is not hygienic, and the child's name is dekus.

  One day his mother took him to the park. Day the weather special hot, hot sun on his head, according to different meeting dicos sweating, dry mouth, then he saw a shop not far ahead, the store there is all kinds of cold food in the freezer, he rushed past on freezer eyes straight staring at those delicious and cool food.

  His mother saw him eat popsicles they bought him a root, he can't wait to strip away the wrapping of the Popsicle and carelessly throw it on the ground, the mother saw calmly said to him: "children will pick up the paper on the floor, please?" But he asked his mother as if he hadn't heard: "mom, what are we going to do?" The mother was so angry and stern said to him: "if you picked the bag up and threw it into the garbage can we will go to play your favorite roller coaster, otherwise, we can go home now." Dicos listened to go to pick up the Popsicle wrapping paper throw into the garbage can, then the mother *** iled and said to him: "children you know what? We human beings every day to make a lot of life rubbish, the rubbish if there is no good to manage it will cause serious environmental pollution, and the bad impact to our life. Maybe you think a *** all wrapping paper? Throw in wind blows disappeared, but you know there are so many people in the world, if everyone think so, to do so in the near future, the earth will bee a super dump, all around us is sending out the stinking garbage and spread bacteria, insects, that is how terrible!" "My mother is wrong. I will not litter again."

  In the future, I will also tell people not to throw rubbish, to protect the environment and to cherish the beautiful homeland. "His mother, who was moved to tears, *** iled and said," you can do it, mom believe in you! "Henceforth dicos became an environmental *** all guards, he often go shopping together with my clas *** ates propaganda environmental protection knowledge, no matter what time as long as see someone throw rubbish everywhere he stop before meeting.

  This is the way that dirk, with his mother's help, transformed himself from an unhygienic child into an environmentally-friendly protector.
  The source of air pollution is vehicle exhaust emissions. The original day is blue sky thousands of miles, but now in some big cities, dark clouds, days groggy, and *** elling the automobile exhaust, will be very unfortable, will also cause cancer. Cars bring convenience, but the fumes also cause trouble. I'm going to invent an environmentally friendly car.

  The car looks a lot like a normal car, and you can't see it without a tailpipe, just a few honeybed holes in the back of the car. People can't help but wonder, what about the fumes? What are the holes in the back? The car exhausts through a pipe in the car until it es to a large box in the trunk. The first *** all box of exhaust gas into the first big box, box spews disinfection powder, after disinfection of exhaust gas after a filter paper wall in the second *** all box, this *** all box also jet air disinfection, second after disinfection of exhaust gas through a filter paper wall e Chinese medicine steaming box. The box is filled with the powder of traditional Chinese medicine, which gives off the heat from a traditional Chinese medicine. After three sterilization, the exhaust fumes pass through the thickest filter wall to the perfume box. The exhaust immediately bees a non-toxic, harmless aroma, and then the aroma passes through the *** all holes in the back to the outside of the car, and a series of sterilization is done.

  There are already green cars in the world, such as electric cars and solar cars. But I calculated that every country would spend hundreds of billions of dollars replacing equipment, such as charging stations, for electric cars. Car panies are also spending hundreds of millions of dollars to replace production lines, so far no country or car pany has ever done so. If you use a solar car, the car pany will spend more money to improve the production line. So it's expensive, and few people buy it, and few people are willing to buy it. So there is no environmental protection. And use my invention green cars, car pany only spend hundreds of thousands of improvement of the production line, so that a car is not much more expensive than the average car, can let all people to accept.

  I am like if everybody drives this kind of car that I invented, the sky will no longer faint, black cloud one, but blue sky, blue sky white clouds. The *** ell of car exhaust is no longer unbearable, it's refreshing.
  Environmental problems are being more and more serious all over the world. With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water is being poured continuously in to rivers. Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's existence.

  We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the public must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and soon. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.




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