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关于”我的宠物仓鼠“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:My pet hamster。以下是关于我的宠物仓鼠的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译,供您参考。

范文1:My pet hamster

I don't think it's easy for my pet to sleep with a hamster, but I don't want to buy hamsters or hamsters. Sometimes they are nosy at night. If that happens, my mother will be angry, so I'm not sure if I have a hamster.


我的宠物仓鼠  (40字)


范文2:My pet hamster

Now the popular support hamster ah, why it is popular, because it is small, easy to take care of, it is also very clean and simple, of course, than raising a rabbit or a cat and a dog Dora, the cat always barks in the middle of the night, people can't sleep, Dale can understand the smell of rabbits, bad people are dogs, we generally don't have time to take it out, Wanba hamster can carry very long Love us hamsters to support it. Hamsters have a stout body, a much shorter tail than body length, small ears, short and strong legs, and wide feet. Their thick, silky fur can be long or short, black, gray, white, brown, light yellow, yellow, "Sapphire" or red depending on the breed, or any combination of these colors.




范文3:My pet hamster

I have a lovely dog. Its name is lulu. I like it very docile.

It has white fur, so it looks very good. It is my best animal friend. It is also very friendly.

Every time I go home, it will wag its tail to me. As long as I am angry, it will run to me and make me happy. Like my blood sister, I should take good care of Lulu and protect her for the last time, I think For us, human beings should fulfill the responsibility of taking care of pets.




My Pet Hamster
I have a pet hamster named Peanut. She is very cute and small, with soft brown fur and big black eyes. I love to watch her run on her wheel and play with her toys. I feed her fresh fruits and vegetables every day, and she loves to eat sunflower seeds. Peanut is a great companion and always brightens up my day.

Myhamster Ihavealittlehamster.Anditisvevrycute.Hamsterhasashorttailandasmallfurryears,ashortlegs.Hamsterhassoftfur.Itcanbeblack,white,grey,brownorgolden.Whenitsleeped,itislikeaball.Ismyhamstercuteandlovely? 我的仓鼠 我有一只小仓鼠。它很可爱。仓鼠有短尾巴和毛茸茸的小耳朵和柔软的毛皮。它可以是黑色,白色,灰色,棕色或金色。当它睡着的时候,它就像一个球。我的仓鼠可爱吗?

我有一个宠物小仓鼠叫咪咪,它是一只非常可爱的小动物。它非常活泼,喜欢在轮子上奔跑和爬上爬下的。 尽管它很小,但是它每天都吃很多食物,比如说谷物、水果和蔬菜。 我很喜欢我的小仓鼠咪咪。
I have a pet hamster named Mimi, and she is a very cute and active little animal. She loves running on her wheel and climbing up and down on her toys. Despite being small, she eats a lot of food every day, such as grains, fruits, and vegetables. I really love my little hamster Mimi.

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