
来源:网友推荐     更新:2024-05-18
【 #母亲节# 导语】世界上无私、伟大、崇高的爱,莫过于母爱。在我们的学习生活中,妈妈给了我们无微不至的关爱,在妈妈的关爱中,我们健康、快乐地成长着。以下是 整理的母亲节初中英语作文,欢迎阅读!


  Mother's day is a holiday for all mothers. In this holiday, my mother is very happy, but mother is going to work. I thought, what gift should I give my mother?

  My mother is an angel of white. She is very busy at work, but I have to take time to take care of me and help me with my studies. I've always wanted to send a gift to my mom. It's mother's day and dad is at work, so I'll give them a surprise.

  I thought to my left and came up with a good idea to make a card for my mother. The idea must be, I'll get to it. I took out my pen, my card, my marker. I drew a smiley face on the left side of the card, a heart on the right, and a color on the right. I wrote a sentence below the heart: mom, I love you! On the top of the picture: happy mother's day! Finally finished!

  Just at this moment, mom and dad came back from work, I hurriedly to the mother, mother smiled happily, gave me a sweet kiss, my father saw also smiled.


  It was Mother’s Day. Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his mother. He decided to help his mother do some housework. After school he went to a shop to buy some food on his way home.

  When he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he couldn’t do the cooking well. Thenhe cleaned the room. He felt very tired, but he was very happy.

  When his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes which weren’t so nice, they were very happy.They had their supper together. His mother said, "Thank you,my child!"


  Who takes care of you when you are sick? Who taught you to dress and tie your shoes? Who is stitching your broken clothes and stitching your fingers?It is. She is the mother who has been with us all the time.

  "Mother", a how warm words, but I was misunderstood the meaning of it, I have my mum, thanked you, like a head of cattle, regardless of the cold winter or hot summer 12 years has been in my side silently out of your love, and I often call for you to call. Mother, here I want to say to you: "sorry!"

  Mom, I still remember you told me before I thing: a night 12 years ago, I came to this world full of love, safely issued the first cry. Mom, I didn't forget the scar on your stomach, the long scar that validates my birth. I didn't forget that you taught me to write and read, and said to me patiently, "baby, read the word" food ", first write a line, then write one more..."

  Mother had done everything, all is for me, because I love, I must use high honors in return for you, in days long elderly mother round red sun rising in the heart.

  On this great mother's day, I would like to offer a warm greeting to all the great mothers of the world: "happy mother's day!"


  After the long river of the years, then I looked away, and before I knew it, there was a holy and shining festival mother's day.

  Mother, a respectable and kind word. Looking forward to the journey of your own growth, when we meet the disasters of our lives, who will give you the warmest embrace in the face of adversity? When you win the first victory in your life, who is the one who keeps your ears in your ear and tells you not to be proud? Every time we remember, maybe we all say: mother. Yes, mom.

  Mother, it is the mother who is great and kind. But what can we do in the mother's eyes? Do we need to be unashamed to ask for nothing? No! That's right, let's bring our most sincere blessings to our mother's day, and give our most sincere wishes to our most beloved mother.


  May is a warm season, May is the season of Thanksgiving, after the years of the long river, unwittingly also ushered in the holy and shining glory of the festival - mother's day. This is a sacred holiday, just like a mother's love is sacred love.

  Mother, a respectable and kindly word. Looking forward to the course of our growth, who will give you the warmest embrace when we encounter disaster in our life? When you win the first victory in your life, who is in your ear to tell you not to be proud? Whenever we remember, maybe we will read together: mother. Yes, it's a mother.

  Mother is the mother of greatness and kindness. But what can we do in the eyes of mothers? Do we have to ask for a sense of shame and ask for nothing in return? No That's right. Let's accompany our mother's day to send our best wishes to our dearest mother. Wish all the mother's day in the world happy!

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